The Royal Society often come up with fascinating proposals. Their VISION FOR MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE includes comments such as
- teachers waste too much time dealing with constant changes in curriculum and exam content
- there needs to be an increase in funding to provide more practical and problem-solving work in lessons
READ THIS to inform your thinking
The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) has published proposals for the development of maths teaching
The main focus is on good CPD and it talks of teachers being ‘professional learners’. That is to say: not sitting back once initially qualified
It notes how Local Authorities used to have consultants and advisers when the National Strategies existed, but they have pretty much disappeared now… leaving a gap in training
Our ‘target driven culture’ is cited as a barrier
There are sections on how they do things in ‘China and Singapore’
Worth reading, especially if you keen to develop your skills ain this area
There is an updated Inspection Framework for July 2014 here, along with some comments from Ofsted
Although the updates are minimal, you might find these conversations on TES forums interesting
Some of the comments refer to changes outlined in earlier guidance (and noted in Recent Posts)
Bill Lowe: Finding the updates — Saving you time
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