September 2015 sees a new inspection framework.
The main changes are:
- A common inspection framework (CIF) to cover the inspection of maintained schools and academies, further education and skills providers, non-association independent schools and early years providers (including PVIs and childminders).
- Short inspections for maintained schools, academies and further education and skills providers that were judged good at their last full inspection. These short inspections will be conducted approximately every 3 years. They are likely to be only one day visits.
- All inspectors will be directly employed by Ofsted. Therefore, no more ‘contractors’ involved.
Judgements categories are now:
- Effectiveness of leadership and management
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare
- Outcomes for children and learners
Watch out for interest in:
- The impact of leaders’ work in developing and sustaining an ambitious culture and vision in the school
- A broad and balanced curriculum
- Safeguarding, central to every inspection (SMSC – follow ‘Publications’ link above)
- pupils’ outcomes, where inspectors will give most weight to the progress of pupils currently in the school rather than attainment solely judged against nationally published data.
The original Ofsted document ‘Changes to education inspection from September 2015′ has some videos explaining some of the issues. Worth looking at.