This is a very important issue.

For some time it’s been recognised that parents who support their children’s learning have a significant impact on pupils’ achievement. Their involvement can have more influence over a child’s education than their school.

The report from Estyn comes up with these main points:

  • Many schools adopt an increasingly comprehensive range of strategies to communicate with parents. Only a few schools actively consult with parents to identify their preferred method
  • Secondary school children’s parents receive ‘considerably less’
    communication from their child’s school than parents at primary school
  • A majority of schools use text messaging and social media platforms to give parents information about school events but a lot fewer have a two-way system set up
  • Too often schools communicate with one parent only. This results in mothers getting the vast majority of communication from schools and this can inadvertently exclude fathers

And comments about parent consultation evenings:

  • Generally, parents of primary school children find reports and parents’ evenings more useful than parents of secondary school children.
  • Parents prefer it when teachers discuss their child’s
    specific strengths and areas for development.

Have a look at the whole report. You will find it very informative.